Numbers are all around us. Adding together registration numbers
How many kg? Double the amount.
We are applying our addition knowledge to practical situations - da iawn! You've got a lot to go though Katie.
Read the question carefully boys!
Get sorting you two. You need to add all the grapes and bananas and then run to the next box to finish the challenge.
Year 5 have been improving their addition skills this morning. We've been learning outside the classroom. Seven stations were set up around the yard and every station was linked to addition in some way.Look at the photos and you can see the children thinking EXTREMELY hard.
Here are how some of the children felt about the lesson:
Maria - "I enjoyed trying to add up Mrs Marlow and Miss Newton's birth years together - gosh they're old!!!"
Will - "I think it's better doing maths outside as it's fun and you still learn the same amount"
Ebony - "Today I found it really exciting in maths because we went outside and improved our adding"
Harry and Alex - "We really enjoyed this morning doing maths. We were solving problems on the yard involving multi link, playing an adding game with dice and the chess board and working out money problems with hoola hoops"
Mrs Marlow
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