Monday 19 April 2010


Our merit award winners:

Today was our sharing assembly, we shared with the other year groups what we have learned about healthy food and keeping healthy. We now know that we need a varied, balanced diet with a range of foods from all food groups and a healthy lifestyle if we are to remain healthy. In order to get this message to the other classes the children and parents went to a great deal of effort to dress up in food costumes, wear sport's kits and bring fresh fruit and vegetables into school. Well done everyone and a big thank you to parents for their efforts.


  1. Hi!

    I really enjoyed the sharing assembly yesterday,


  2. Hi sir its Bethan and Alice!!!!
    hi sir i loved the sharing assembly
    i love all the pictures you took sir
    from bethqn and alice

  3. Hi Sir and Mrs Marlow
    I loved Big Pit but not too fused going in the lift to crammed and i loved the museum so much thank you for taking
    Ps cant wait for Llangranig. See you to tomorrow.

  4. Cheddar cheese? was somone wearing cheddar cheese?
    sorry all i could only see the back of somones head and i dont no who it is



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