Year 5 Autumn Term 2009
Topic:Park Life: An Aspect of the Whole of Wales – National Parks (main focus-Snowdonia)
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We would like to welcome your son and daughter into Year 5. We are sure that he/she will have an enjoyable year ahead with us, as we have lots of fun and interesting lessons planned.
Below, we have put together a grid highlighting the work that your son/daughter will be covering over the next half term. We hope that it provides all the information that you require. To keep informed on what your child is doing over the coming weeks please visit our class blog at: which can easily be accessed from the school website; Mr Llewellyn, Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Harwood
Half Term Overview
Read and write whole numbers in figures and words
Comparing and ordering numbers
Know multiplication facts up to 10 x 10
The concept of a reminder when dividing
Recognising parallel and perpendicular lines.
Classifying triangles, sides, angles and line of symmetry
Deriving pairs of numbers that total 100
Finding differences through the next multiples of 10, 100
Recognising reflective symmetry and axis of symmetry
Names and properties of 3d shapes
Oracy - Speaking and listening
Tell a story using notes / cue techniques.
Reading – Reading text with a Welsh dimension E.g. Myths set in Wales (Snowdonia). Experiencing and responding to a wide range of texts.
Writing – Traditional stories fables myths and legends.
Sentence level: Use of adjectives and comparative adjectives.
Poetic style, word play, rhyme metaphor and word choice.
Sentence level: Applying sentence features e.g. Powerful verbs, adverbs adjectives, alliteration and onomatopoeia.
Geographical enquiry, investigating an aspect of the geography of the whole of Wales. We will be looking at National Parks, locating them, discussing mountainous environments, landscapes of Snowdonia/Brecon, weather, opinions, tourism, safety, developments and changes.
Our world: The Countryside code: Focus on looking after the countryside.
Using Water colours to paint landscapes around us. Investigating the work of Landscape artists.
It’s a round: Learning, performing and singing in rounds, adding accompaniments.
Asking questions to each other conversations with teachers and peers.
Eg Oes _______ da ti? Mae _______ _______ da fi.
Investigating Wales and where places are? Ble Mae……?
Life Cycles: Looking at the interdependence of organisms Eg. Food chain. Looking at plants and animals found in contrasting environments. Identifying life cycles, nutrition and place in the environment.
Spreadsheets: Enter numbers labels and formulas into a spreadsheet. Calculate totals.
Competitive games/ activities.
J5 - Mrs Gardiner inside PE Wednesday, outdoor Monday
J6- Mr. Llewellyn inside PE Wednesday , outdoor Friday
New beginnings: Children see themselves as valid individuals in the community.
Some homework will be set via our class blog
www.pontyclunpri5.blogspot.comReading – We expect each pupil to be reading at home on a daily basis for at least 15 min. Please update your child’s reading diary weekly.
Literacy – literacy work will be sent home as and when the teacher feels that it is appropriate.
Numeracy – Numeracy work covering the topics above will be sent home as and when the teacher feels that it is appropriate.