Thursday, 3 December 2009

Songwriter #3

Songwriter #2

Songwriter #1

J5 AND J6 Homework

Hi year 5, we hope that you are having a lovely (extended) weekend. Just so that you don't get too bored over the weekend we thought that we could give you something to enhance your ICT skills. In ICT at the moment we are learning to use object-based graphics packages to produce images and visual models. We are comparing an object based package with a paint program such as "2 paint a picture". We worked out this week that visual models can be used to identify patterns and relationships. Visit the website below and work your way through the following pages until you reach the activity option page. Here, you can choose to design a classroom - as we did in class this week or you can have a go at designing a park. See if you can improve any of the layouts.
In order for the program to work you will need Adobe flash player to be installed on your machine. If you haven't got it you can download it safely from the following site.

Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday. Don't forget to leave a comment to explain what you did for your homework-.
Today in music we continued exploring lyrics and melody. We played THE SAME OR DIFFERENT? game to explore repetition and contrast in lyrics.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Geography - Generating Questions for our geographical enquiry

J5 and J6 started generating quesions today for thei geographical enquiry. We discussed the fieldwork that we did in Cardiff Bay last week and decided on some lines of enquiry from the fieldwork.
We ended up discussing land use and the various uses of buildings and land at the Bay. The children took part in a carousel activity around the hall whereby they rotated using the 5W's as questions.

WHY? WHERE? WHEN?WHO? WHAT? were the starters for the children.

After the carousel activity, the children had to try and evaluate the questions that had been written on each sheet.

The task was extremely difficult as many of the questions generated at first didn't have any relevance to land use itself. E.g. When was the Norwegian Church built? This is an interesting question if we were undertaking an historical enquiry, yet doesn't lend itself to a geographical one. Therefore a lot of discussion an dcommunication took place to decide which questions were really relevant.

The large pieces of paper show the questions written on the carousel activity and the smaller pieces are the best two questions that each group chose relating to the enquiry of land use.
Both classes enjoyed the activity and were certainly challenged to come up with the questions.

Da iawn blwyddyn 5, we will be investiagting land use further next week in a practical way.

Evaporation on the School Yard

Here we can see J5 children taking part in an evaporation exercise on the yard. The children explored what happened when water was tipped onto the yard and returned an hour later to see whether or not the water had evaporated.
The children drew chalk lines around their water , many children were surprised at how far their water travelled yet others were surprised that the water didn't travel at all.

After break, the reasons suggested for water not evaporating was that perhaps the weather was too cold. We probably chose the coldest day of the year to try this out!

J5 suggested that i f we were able to add heat to our water, then this would probably speed up the rate of evaporation. We enjoyed developing our science skills.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Graphic Modelling

In this unit pupils learn to use an object-based graphics package to produce images and visual models. They learn the key differences between an object-based program and a paint package and understand that visual models can be used to identify patterns and relationships. We visited this website to complete the work and design a classroom via graphic modelling. Please have a go at activities a and b if you have time. J5 will be doing this work tomorrow. This worked required the pupils to use their thinking, communication and ICT skills.

Performance Poetry In Year 5

This week year 5 have been looking at Performance Poetry. We studied the poem Night Mail by A.H Aurden. We attempted to transform the train into a plane or lorry. The success criteria was to include some, if not all of the following: personification/make the train sound like a person, to include similes and metaphors. The pupils were required to use communication skills as they worked in talking partners, ICT skills as they posted these poems in draft form themselves.

Plane Mail

WALT-To create a performance poem in the style of night mail by W.H.Auden.

Plane mail was written for the video maker of a film about a plane delivering mail to America.

This is the mail plane flying over the border,
Bringing the cheque and the postal order,
Letters for the rich, letters for the poor,
Letters in the back and some next door.
Pulling up the letters, at a steady climb-
The winds against him but he’s on time.
Passing the clouds and the planes over his shoulder,
Shovelling white fume in the boulder,
Beeping noisily as he passes,
Silent miles with no grasses.
Birds turn their heads as he approaches,
Stares from planes at the blank-faced coaches.
Sheep-dogs can not see him of-course,
Though they hear him coming with great force.
The farm he fly’s over everyone wakes,
While the jug in the bedroom gently shakes.
By Charlotte and Harry

Plane Mail
WALT: To create a performance of a poem
the style of night mail by W.H.Auden.

Plane Mail was written for a book in a very famous book shop in Spain.

This is the night mail flying over the border, bringing the cheque and the postal order ,letter’s for the for the passengers , letter’s for the poor, and the letter’s for the passenger next door. Pushing down the aisle with a steady paste. The passengers against her, but she’s never late. Past beautiful blue sky’s and gleaming white cloud’s, passing cup’s of tea as she leave’s to go back to the kitchen. Noisy miles of children screaming.
Passengers turn their head as she approaches, stare from the chairs at her pretty styled face, Men cannot turn her course, they stagger on with feet across. On the plane she passes no one wakes, but a cup on the stand gently shakes.

By Stacey and Hannah

Plane Mail

WALT; To create a performance poem in the style of night mail by W.H. Auden.
Plane mail was modelled for the museum of a book about a plane delivering the mail to Ireland.

This is the plane mail flying across the border,
Delivering the letters and postal orders,
Letters for the children, letters for the poor,
The shop at the corner and the river next door,
Pushing the luggage far and near,
The plane was early, but the letters will be on time,
Pass the station up to the clouds,
Packing the letters with empty spaces,
Soaring noisily flying across,
Silent airs of noisily birds tweeting,
Birds turn away when the soaring over comes,
Stare from the clouds, the driver shouts,
Dogs can not hear their owners,
They slumber on with paws across,
In the field the dogs run round,
But a lamp in the field gently shakes.

By Olivia and Emily


To create a performance poem on lorry mail.

This is the night mail crossing the border,
bringing the post like they ordered,
letters for the rich
letters for the poor,
letters for every one even for the girl next door.
The lorry pulling the brake to give the post man the letters, there’s letters for uncles cousins and aunts ,
post cards for your friends ,
letters of thanks,
letters from banks ,
letters of joy , from girls and boys.
The lorry catching the ferry from the south of France,
giving holiday snaps to people who have had dance and romance.

By Bethan and Ethan.

Walt /to create a performance poem in the style of night mail by W.H Auden .

Night Mail was written for the soundtrack of a film of a plane delivering the mail to south Wales.
This is the night plane flying over the border into south Wales bringing the people their brilliant letters and postal orders,
Letters for the rich,
letters for the poor and the girl next door,
A steady descent it comes into land,
The gradient’s against her but she’s right on time.

Lots of silent miles no one wakes,
The dogs on the farms carry on sleeping .
Dawn freshens the work is done .
Down towards Cardiff mail descends.
Towards the steam tugs yelping down the glade of cranes ,
towards the fields of apparatus, the furnaces set on the plain like gigantic chessmen.
All Wales waits for her; in the dark valleys,
Men long for news.
By Mendii and Niall